
Why is Recycling Gold important?

Gold have been a valuable commodity for centuries. People have found it useful in a number of applications ranging from jewellery, to currency, medical technology and even space technology. However, gold is not available in infinite quantities. To get 10 grams of 24 carat gold, 20 tons of gold ore needs to be mined and […]


Online sports betting at Black Ink

Betting on sports events is a popular hobby. With online betting facilities and the internet, you can place bets much easier than before. You can place a wager via a betting exchange or with a bookmaker. Players can place bets and a house takes a commission. When you bet online, it means betting against point […]


Top Five Qualities a Good Lawyer Should Have

Every lawyer starts their journey with law school. Law schools teach them some of the skills they need, but schools never teach character. To become a “real” lawyer, they should naturally have specific qualities. Some of these qualities they bring to light within themselves in their time as a law student, but they may need […]