
Tips To Get Picked On Google Search

Search engines are like black boxes that display a page ranking based on mysterious calculations. Certain SEO tools try to “trick” Google, but the company often updates its algorithms to stop such practices.

The search giant’s goal is to ensure relevant results delivery to the user. Check out 8 tips to get picked on Google search.

Google Loves Unique Content

Creating and healing content has never been so important. People use the web to find information, so Google emphasizes both the quality of content. Create shareable content such as videos, blog posts, and ebooks. The advantage is that people will click on your site and Google will boost search engine calculations each time backlinks are created for your blog or website.

The Importance of Back Links

A link, or backlink, is the link used to be taken to another page. They are important because they work as votes for your page. The more sites you link to or vote for on your page, the higher your ranking will be.

Competitor Analysis

Even if you do not get links from large sites, there are tactics that can help you. Start by building the campaign link from a competitor review. Basically, you should repeat what your best competitors are doing.


As always, the best way to encourage people to access your site is to create useful, consistent, and new content.

Write about the industry, its products and services, always with keywords. Posting content often is a measure that generates more traffic to your site. Ideally, you should post two articles a week because Google prioritizes constantly updated sites.

Guest Blogging

The idea of the guest blog is to get the link from your website posted on a recognized website or blog. These links weigh heavily on Google because they are harder to get. Connect with critics, authors, teachers, enthusiasts, experts or anyone who operates a website in your area.

Join a Web 2.0

Sites like Squiddo, StumbleUpon and Delicious have the most user-generated content. Always try to incorporate multimedia such as videos and pictures.

Sellers and Testimonials

Always leave testimonials for your business partners, suppliers, etc. It’s a great way to get free backlinks from legitimate sites. Be sure to include strategy words in these posts as well as a hyperlink to your site.

Request Links to Your Contacts

If you can get valuable links, your SEO efforts will have more results. There are many tactics to overcome competition in search results. From them, you’ll see an increase in site traffic and have a better position in search results.

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